Greenville Technical College meets the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) requirements by assigning each student a GTC NetID; a secure login and password to access the college Learning Management System and the GTC4ME - College Portal. All students registering for a course through our administrative system are assigned unique identification numbers, which correspond with a specific username for each student. These usernames or accounts use Active Directory (AD) to authenticate the user. Each student manages their password using the GTC4ME Password link Portal. Access the Information Security Policy.
In addition, the GTC email usage policy requires all faculty communication with students regarding GTC educational records and specific courses be conducted via the official GTC GMail account, which also requires a secure login. Access the GTC Information Security Policy.
More information about the Higher Education Opportunity Act can be found at The U.S. Department of Education site:
All students enrolled at Greenville Technical College (GTC), regardless of the mode of instruction (traditional, online, or hybrid), are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). As published in the GTC Catalog and Handbook, on the GTC website, and GTC4me, FERPA was designed to protect the privacy of educational records including those of online learners. Online learning students will find information regarding this protection via the GTC website (FERPA).
At GTC students log in to a secure portal (GTC4me) using a GTC user ID and password. All enrolled students are authenticated through an identity management system that provides each student with a unique username and password for access to the portal as well as the learning management system, Blackboard. Instructions for student login to Blackboard are posted on the Blackboard login page.
Students should never be asked or required to disclose passwords to their accounts to any college employee or to other students. Each student manages his/her password using the GTC4me password link (password reset). Students and employees are expected to comply with college responsible use policies found at the Information Security Policy.
The GTC email usage policy requires all faculty communication with students regarding GTC educational records and specific courses be conducted via the official GTC Gmail account, which also requires a secure login.
Access the GTC Information Security Policy »
Attendance and participation are necessary for academic success. The student’s record of attendance will begin on the first day of the course, even if registration occurs after the course has begun. Students are expected to attend and complete all scheduled instructional activities, both in class and online.
A student may withdraw from any course up to the published deadline. If the student drops the course during the add/drop period, no course tuition will be charged. If a withdrawal occurs after the drop/add period, tuition charges will result. Ceasing to attend class does not constitute an official withdrawal from the course and may result in financial aid consequences. Refer to the Refund Policy for details.
Refer to your syllabus for attendance policy and other important information located within your course: you are required to log in according to your instructor’s schedule. Additional information regarding the attendance policy, removal from a course, or reinstatement in a course is in the Attendance Policies section of the Student Handbook.
Academic integrity means not sharing your username and/or password with anyone. Academic integrity means doing your own work, not cheating, providing sources when doing research, and not violating copyright. Each student is responsible for the academic integrity of all work completed for a given course.
Honesty in academic work is a central element of the learning environment. The presentation of another individual's work as one's own or the act of seeking unfair academic advantage through cheating, plagiarism or other dishonest means are violations of the College's Code of Conduct. Failure to abide by the terms and conditions of the Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the College.
Greenville Technical College's policy regarding academic integrity is in the Student Code of Conduct section of the Student Handbook.
Greenville Technical College is committed to student learning and the academic integrity of all courses. All GTC online courses are required to have at least one proctored learning activity that constitutes a significant percentage of the course grade, which may include a test, midterm, final exam, presentation or other assignments. Proctored is defined as an experience where an approved person ensures the identity of the student and monitors the learning activity. The proctored learning activity will be determined by the course instructor, and the method of proctoring and additional requirements related to proctoring will be explained in the course schedule and/or syllabus.
Proctored options available to faculty include the following:
In all cases, an official photo ID will be required for identity verification.
For more information concerning Proctored Exams, visit Proctored Testing.
"Plagiarism” is defined as (1) the appropriation of any other person's work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one's own work or (2) submitting content for academic purposes that are created by artificial intelligence, technology platforms, or writing services and representing that such content is the person’s own work product." (SC Technical System Policies and Procedures, revised June 30, 2023, 3-2-106.2.pdf)
Greenville Technical College is committed to resolving student grievances, complaints and concerns in an expeditious, fair and amicable manner. Students who want to resolve a grievance should follow the college's Student Grievance Procedure as outlined in the Student Handbook.
Student complaints related to institutional-specific concerns can are handled through the Institutional Complaint Procedure.
Institutional Complaint - online form
Students do have the option of filing a complaint concerning GTC’s online learning programs with the appropriate authority in the state in which they reside. South Carolina students should refer to the SC CHE’s complaint procedures. Students may also file a complaint with NC-SARA - see the NC-SARA complaint process.
International students should contact the International Admissions before enrolling in an online course.